Hello and welcome to this fortnights Colour INKspiration challenge #CI63 😊
You have reached Kim Oliver - KOCreations Cards. There is a NEXT button a little further down where you will find even more gorgeous projects and inspiration from the Colour INKspiration Crew.
You have joined me from our Guest Designers page Vicki Boucher 😊 I love all the layering in her design and the subtle use of our chosen colours, a very tactile style of card....makes me want to touch it!
If you missed it the here is the Challenge Palette for #CI63
Rococo Rose - Seaside Spray - Gold Foil
This challenge is another beautiful Spring time selection of colours!
Can you tell I am excited. I have spent most of last week in my vegie patch pulling weeds from the winter grown vegies and planting seeds in the hothouse. Along with planting a few seedlings in the 1x1m above ground beds.
I grew up helping my Dad in the vegie garden and now my kids love helping me out in our very own vegie patch. When the naughty dog doesn't decide to dig a few up 😕 can you see her foot prints??? I have already have to replant my Cauliflowers 😑
Well enough of what I have been up to and onto my design for this colour challenge
Here is my project for #CI63.
#KOCreationsCards #CI63 #StampinUp #FeelsLikeFrost #BirdBallad #Inspiredbynature #BlueBirds |
There are so many stunning designs in this pack! I was a little disappointed that I could only choose 1 for my design.

to order your very own copy.
Along with the Free As A Bird stamp set
You can click on the items blue link to shop that item from my store
The other items I used are from the Annual Catalogue -
Seaside Spray - Light and Dark alcohol Markers -149569
Rococo Rose Alcohol Markers - 149572
Seaside Spray Card Stock - 150889
Rococo Rose Card Stock - 150888
Gold Foil Sheets - 132622.
Stitched Shapes dies - 152323
Seaside Spray - Light and Dark alcohol Markers -149569
Rococo Rose Alcohol Markers - 149572
Seaside Spray Card Stock - 150889
Rococo Rose Card Stock - 150888
Gold Foil Sheets - 132622.
Stitched Shapes dies - 152323
Or click HERE to purchase any of the above items plus many more - all delivered directly to your door!
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#KOCreationsCards #CI63 #StampinUp #FeelsLikeFrost #BirdBallad #Inspiredbynature #BlueBirds |
I do hope you have enjoyed my card project created using the colours #CI63 challenge and that you have been inspired to try them out for yourself.
I can't wait to see all of your gorgeous projects being shared over at the Colour INKspirations Challenges page on FaceBook.
I can't wait to see all of your gorgeous projects being shared over at the Colour INKspirations Challenges page on FaceBook.
Up next we have sharing her #CI63 Colour INKspirations is the lovely Kim Badelt
Colour INKspiration is a facebook group dedicated to inspiring us to create and share with quarterly colour palettes chosen by the Design Team.
If you love creating with colour then this page is for you.
Click HERE to request to join, or click the Colour INKspiration Challenge banner below AND JOIN IN THE FUN 😊
Thanks so much for joing me today 💕
Feel free to leave a comment below if you so desire,
and have an amazing day 😄